Why should you care?
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
Unlike many other machine learning domains, molecular featurization (i.e. the process of transforming a molecule into a vector) lacks a consistently good default. It is still an open question how to best capture the complexity of molecular data with a unified representation. Which molecular representation works best depends largely on which task you are modeling. To achieve optimal performance, it is wise to experiment with a variety of featurization schemes, from structural fingerprints to physicochemical descriptors and pre-trained embeddings.
Use cases¶
Molecular representations / featurizers are an integral part of any molecular modelling workflow and are commonly used for:
- Search - to find molecules with similar electronic properties, similar structures, or similar biological activity for a target.
- Clustering - to group molecules based on their features and derive hypotheses around the relationship between structure and activity
- Modeling - to build QSAR model for molecular property/activity prediction
Importance of the choice of molecular representation¶
To demonstrate the impact a featurizer can have, we establish two simple benchmarks:
- To demonstrate the impact on modeling, we will use two datasets from MoleculeNet [1].
- To demonstrate the impact on search, we will use the RDKit Benchmarking Platform [2, 3].
We will compare the performance of three different featurizers:
- ECFP6 [4]: Binary, circular fingerprints where each bit indicates the presence of particular substructures of a radius up to 3 bonds away from an atom.
- Mordred [5]: Continuous descriptors with more than 1800 2D and 3D descriptors.
- ChemBERTa [6]: Learned representations from a pre-trained SMILES transformer model.
Tl;dr - Importance of molecular representation
No featurizer consistently stood out for either task or even within a task category:
Modeling: The Mordred featurizer outperforms the next best featurizer by ~20% on the Lipophilicity prediction task. On ClinTox, however, things are reversed and ChemBERTa outperforms the other featurizers by ~about 18%.
Search: ECFP outperforms ChemBERTa and Mordred and is the best option across the board, although it's target dependent.
These quick examples show the context-dependent nature and thus the importance of experimenting with trying different featurizers. In short, the perfect molecular featurizer doesn’t exist (yet!). All have their pros and cons depending on the data and the downstream task.
We will compare the performance on two datasets using scikit-learn AutoML [7, 8] models.
! pip install autosklearn
import os
import tqdm
import fsspec
import pickle
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import datamol as dm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import autosklearn.classification
import autosklearn.regression
from collections import defaultdict
from rdkit.Chem import SaltRemover
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error, roc_auc_score
from sklearn.model_selection import GroupShuffleSplit
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from molfeat.trans.fp import FPVecTransformer
from molfeat.trans.pretrained.hf_transformers import PretrainedHFTransformer
# Making the output less verbose
os.environ["PYTHONWARNINGS"] = "ignore"
os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "false"
def load_dataset(uri: str, readout_col: str):
"""Loads the MoleculeNet dataset"""
df = pd.read_csv(uri)
smiles = df["smiles"].values
y = df[readout_col].values
return smiles, y
def preprocess_smiles(smi):
"""Preprocesses the SMILES string"""
mol = dm.to_mol(smi, ordered=True, sanitize=False)
mol = dm.sanitize_mol(mol)
mol = None
if mol is None:
mol = dm.standardize_mol(mol, disconnect_metals=True)
remover = SaltRemover.SaltRemover()
mol = remover.StripMol(mol, dontRemoveEverything=True)
return dm.to_smiles(mol)
def scaffold_split(smiles):
"""In line with common practice, we will use the scaffold split to evaluate our models"""
scaffolds = [dm.to_smiles(dm.to_scaffold_murcko(dm.to_mol(smi))) for smi in smiles]
splitter = GroupShuffleSplit(n_splits=1, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
return next(splitter.split(smiles, groups=scaffolds))
# Setup the featurizers
trans_ecfp = FPVecTransformer(kind="ecfp:6", n_jobs=-1)
trans_mordred = FPVecTransformer(kind="mordred", replace_nan=True, n_jobs=-1)
trans_chemberta = PretrainedHFTransformer(kind='ChemBERTa-77M-MLM', notation='smiles')
Lipophilicity is a regression task with 4200 molecules
# Prepare the Lipophilicity dataset
smiles, y_true = load_dataset("https://deepchemdata.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/datasets/Lipophilicity.csv", "exp")
smiles = np.array([preprocess_smiles(smi) for smi in smiles])
smiles = np.array([smi for smi in smiles if dm.to_mol(smi) is not None])
feats_ecfp, ind_ecfp = trans_ecfp(smiles, ignore_errors=True)
feats_mordred, ind_mordred = trans_mordred(smiles, ignore_errors=True)
feats_chemberta, ind_chemberta = trans_chemberta(smiles, ignore_errors=True)
X = {
"ECFP": feats_ecfp[ind_ecfp],
"Mordred": feats_mordred[ind_mordred],
"ChemBERTa": feats_chemberta[ind_chemberta],
# Train a model
train_ind, test_ind = scaffold_split(smiles)
lipo_scores = {}
for name, feats in X.items():
# Train
automl = autosklearn.regression.AutoSklearnRegressor(
# For practicality’s sake, limit this to 5 minutes!
# (x3 = 15 min in total)
automl.fit(feats[train_ind], y_true[train_ind])
# Predict and evaluate
y_hat = automl.predict(feats[test_ind])
# Evaluate
mae = mean_absolute_error(y_true[test_ind], y_hat)
lipo_scores[name] = mae
[WARNING] [2023-03-27 11:14:52,884:Client-EnsembleBuilder] No runs were available to build an ensemble from [WARNING] [2023-03-27 11:15:09,140:Client-EnsembleBuilder] No runs were available to build an ensemble from [WARNING] [2023-03-27 11:15:10,575:Client-EnsembleBuilder] No runs were available to build an ensemble from [WARNING] [2023-03-27 11:17:53,162:Client-EnsembleBuilder] No runs were available to build an ensemble from [WARNING] [2023-03-27 11:17:55,897:Client-EnsembleBuilder] No runs were available to build an ensemble from [WARNING] [2023-03-27 11:18:08,224:Client-EnsembleBuilder] No runs were available to build an ensemble from [WARNING] [2023-03-27 11:20:48,340:Client-EnsembleBuilder] No runs were available to build an ensemble from [WARNING] [2023-03-27 11:20:53,717:Client-EnsembleBuilder] No runs were available to build an ensemble from [WARNING] [2023-03-27 11:20:54,100:Client-EnsembleBuilder] No runs were available to build an ensemble from
{'ECFP': 0.72650517992544, 'Mordred': 0.5792950477372836, 'ChemBERTa': 0.7396155151199458}
# Prepare the ClinTox dataset
smiles, y_true = load_dataset("https://deepchemdata.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/datasets/clintox.csv.gz", "CT_TOX")
smiles = np.array([preprocess_smiles(smi) for smi in smiles])
smiles = np.array([smi for smi in smiles if smi is not None])
feats_ecfp, ind_ecfp = trans_ecfp(smiles, ignore_errors=True)
feats_mordred, ind_mordred = trans_mordred(smiles, ignore_errors=True)
feats_chemberta, ind_chemberta = trans_chemberta(smiles, ignore_errors=True)
X = {
"ECFP": feats_ecfp[ind_ecfp],
"Mordred": feats_mordred[ind_mordred],
"ChemBERTa": feats_chemberta[ind_chemberta],
[11:23:45] Unusual charge on atom 0 number of radical electrons set to zero [11:23:46] Unusual charge on atom 0 number of radical electrons set to zero [11:23:47] Unusual charge on atom 0 number of radical electrons set to zero [11:23:47] Unusual charge on atom 0 number of radical electrons set to zero [11:23:47] Unusual charge on atom 0 number of radical electrons set to zero
# Train a model
train_ind, test_ind = scaffold_split(smiles)
clintox_scores = {}
for name, feats in X.items():
# Train
automl = autosklearn.classification.AutoSklearnClassifier(
# For practicality’s sake, limit this to 5 minutes!
# (x3 = 15 min in total)
automl.fit(feats[train_ind], y_true[train_ind])
# Predict and evaluate
y_hat = automl.predict_proba(feats[test_ind])
y_hat = y_hat[:, 1]
# Evaluate
auroc = roc_auc_score(y_true[test_ind], y_hat)
clintox_scores[name] = auroc
[WARNING] [2023-03-27 11:30:21,940:Client-EnsembleBuilder] No models better than random - using Dummy losses! Models besides current dummy model: 0 Dummy models: 1 [WARNING] [2023-03-27 11:30:38,533:Client-EnsembleBuilder] No models better than random - using Dummy losses! Models besides current dummy model: 0 Dummy models: 1
{'ECFP': 0.5345833333333333, 'Mordred': 0.5633333333333334, 'ChemBERTa': 0.665}
Dataset | Metric | Representation | Score | Rank |
Lipophilicity | MAE ↓ | ECFP | 0.727 | 1 |
Mordred | 0.579 | 0 | ||
ChemBERTa | 0.740 | 2 | ||
ClinTox | AUROC ↑ | ECFP | 0.535 | 2 |
Mordred | 0.563 | 1 | ||
ChemBERTa | 0.665 | 0 |
We can see that for Lipophilicity, the Mordred featurizer proves most powerful, outperforming the next best featurizer by ~20%. For ClinTox, however, the results are reversed and it's instead ChemBERTa that outperforms the other featurizers by ~18%. This shows the importance of trying different featurizers. Luckily, with Molfeat, this is now much easier to do!
We will now evaluate the performance of the featurizers on various search tasks from the RDKit Benchmarking Platform [2, 3].
# Specify some meta-data
BASE_CMPD_URI = "https://github.com/rdkit/benchmarking_platform/raw/master/compounds/DUD/cmp_list_DUD"
CMPD_EXT = ".dat.gz"
BASE_SPLIT_URI = "https://github.com/rdkit/benchmarking_platform/raw/master/query_lists/data_sets_I/DUD/training_DUD"
SPLIT_EXT = ".pkl"
# Out of practicality, we only use the first 10 targets
def get_compounds_for_target(target: str):
"""Loads the structural data"""
df = pd.DataFrame()
for subset in ["actives", "decoys"]:
df_ = pd.read_csv(f"{BASE_CMPD_URI}_{target}_{subset}{CMPD_EXT}", sep="\t")
df_["subset"] = subset
df_["target"] = 1 if subset == "actives" else 0
df = pd.concat([df, df_])
return df
def get_train_decoy_split_for_target(target: str, no_of_actives: int = 20):
"""Loads the proposed split of the benchmark"""
with fsspec.open(f"{BASE_SPLIT_URI}_{target}_{no_of_actives}{SPLIT_EXT}", "rb") as fd:
data = pickle.load(fd)
return data[:no_of_actives], data[no_of_actives:]
results = defaultdict(dict)
for target in tqdm.tqdm(TARGETS, leave=False):
# Load the structures (i.e. SMILES)
df = get_compounds_for_target(target)
n_actives = len(df[df["subset"] == "actives"])
smiles = df["SMILES"].values
smiles = np.array([smi for smi in smiles if dm.to_mol(smi) is not None])
# Featurize
feats_ecfp, ind_ecfp = trans_ecfp(smiles, ignore_errors=True)
feats_mordred, ind_mordred = trans_mordred(smiles, ignore_errors=True)
feats_chemberta, ind_chemberta = trans_chemberta(smiles, ignore_errors=True)
X = {
"ECFP": feats_ecfp[ind_ecfp],
"Mordred": feats_mordred[ind_mordred],
"ChemBERTa": feats_chemberta[ind_chemberta],
# Get the train-test split
train_active_ind, train_decoy_ind = get_train_decoy_split_for_target(target, no_of_actives=20)
train_decoy_ind = [i + n_actives for i in train_decoy_ind]
for feat_name, feats in X.items():
# Train the model
knn = KNeighborsClassifier()
train_ind = np.concatenate([train_active_ind, train_decoy_ind])
test_ind = np.array([i for i in range(len(df)) if i not in train_ind])
knn.fit(feats[train_ind], df.iloc[train_ind]["target"].values)
# Get targets and predictions
y_true = df.iloc[test_ind]["target"].values
y_pred = knn.predict_proba(feats[test_ind])[:, 1]
# Compute the recovery score
auc = roc_auc_score(y_true, y_pred)
results[feat_name][target] = auc
30%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▏ | 3/10 [02:39<06:23, 54.78s/it][11:35:54] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted 40%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▌ | 4/10 [03:17<04:49, 48.17s/it][11:36:34] Explicit valence for atom # 6 C greater than permitted 90%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▋ | 9/10 [16:00<01:53, 113.93s/it][11:49:14] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted [11:49:14] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted [11:49:14] Explicit valence for atom # 20 C greater than permitted [11:49:14] Explicit valence for atom # 19 C greater than permitted [11:49:14] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted [11:49:14] Explicit valence for atom # 20 C greater than permitted [11:49:14] Explicit valence for atom # 11 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 20 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 20 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 19 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 21 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 18 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 23 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 20 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 25 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 27 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 24 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 26 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 28 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 27 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 26 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 28 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 18 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 17 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 17 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 29 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted Explicit valence for atom # 18 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 26 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 25 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 25 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 29 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted [11:49:15] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted [11:49:16] Explicit valence for atom # 25 C greater than permitted [11:49:16] Explicit valence for atom # 25 C greater than permitted [11:49:16] Explicit valence for atom # 24 C greater than permitted [11:49:16] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted [11:49:16] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted [11:49:16] Explicit valence for atom # 1 C greater than permitted
# Replicate the figure from https://doi.org/10.1021/ci400466r
xs = list(range(len(TARGETS)))
ecfp_scores = [results["ECFP"][target] for target in TARGETS]
mordred_scores = [results["Mordred"][target] for target in TARGETS]
chemberta_scores = [results["ChemBERTa"][target] for target in TARGETS]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
for scores, label in zip([ecfp_scores, mordred_scores, chemberta_scores], ["ECFP", "Mordred", "ChemBERTa"]):
ax.plot(xs, scores, label=label)
ax.set_xticklabels(TARGETS, rotation=90)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fc9a7e6f220>
For search, we observe yet again another ranking. It now seems that ECFP is the best option across the board, although it's target dependent.
There is no single "best" molecular featurizer. With Molfeat, it is now easier than ever to experiment with a diverse set of popular featurizers to ensure you pick the best one for your task of interest!
- Wu, Z., Ramsundar, B., Feinberg, E. N., Gomes, J., Geniesse, C., Pappu, A. S., ... & Pande, V. (2018). MoleculeNet: a benchmark for molecular machine learning. Chemical science, 9(2), 513-530.
- Riniker, S., Fechner, N., & Landrum, G. A. (2013). Heterogeneous classifier fusion for ligand-based virtual screening: or, how decision making by committee can be a good thing. Journal of chemical information and modeling, 53(11), 2829-2836.
- Riniker, S., & Landrum, G. A. (2013). Open-source platform to benchmark fingerprints for ligand-based virtual screening. Journal of cheminformatics, 5(1), 26.
- Rogers, D., & Hahn, M. (2010). Extended-connectivity fingerprints. Journal of chemical information and modeling, 50(5), 742-754.
- Moriwaki, H., Tian, Y. S., Kawashita, N., & Takagi, T. (2018). Mordred: a molecular descriptor calculator. Journal of cheminformatics, 10(1), 1-14.
- Chithrananda, S., Grand, G., & Ramsundar, B. (2020). Chemberta: Large-scale self-supervised pretraining for molecular property prediction. arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.09885.
- Efficient and Robust Automated Machine Learning Matthias Feurer, Aaron Klein, Katharina Eggensperger, Jost Springenberg, Manuel Blum and Frank Hutter Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 28 (2015)
- Auto-Sklearn 2.0: The Next Generation Matthias Feurer, Katharina Eggensperger, Stefan Falkner, Marius Lindauer and Frank Hutter* arXiv:2007.04074 [cs.LG], 2020